Saturday, June 13, 2009

Space Heaters

Don´t be jealous. It isn´t Eden after all. The last week or two has been genuinely cold. A few days ago, the most prominent story in the online edition of Folho de S. Paulo (the city´s largest newspaper, and, yes, it really does abbreviate the word São) was about the weather. The highs and lows for the day were predicted to be 7-16 C.... or 44.6-60.8 F. It was gray all day yesterday and, so I was told, was 10 C in the middle of the afternoon. That is 50 degrees F. I know, I know, it doesn´t seem so bad to those of you in the midwest. But then nobody ever said Iowa and Minnesota were tropical paradises. You all at least have furnaces. I think our big adventure for the day will be to go looking for a space heater of some kind.

I am told it is supposed to be sunny and warmer tomorrow (Sunday) for the gay pride parade, which is the biggest in the world. It made the Guiness book of records 2 or 3 years ago when the Federal Police estimated the turnout at 2.5 million. This year, the projections are for 4 million.

I recently learned two new words which I have had trouble remembering...bigode and bisnaga. I not only have trouble remembering them, but I tend to confuse their meanings. Yesterday, at the bakery, I could only remember bisnaga, and I decided to live dangerously. I wasn´t sure if I was ordering two french rolls or two moustaches. Fortunately, I got it right or else they would forever be talking about me everytime I went there.

Just as a friend of mine will never let me forget the time I confused cebola e cabelo, and made some comment about the onion on his head.

But I´d still prefer living with these linguistic misadventures to the adventure of looking for a space heater.


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