Thursday, December 6, 2012

When It Rains....

When it rains in São Paulo, it seems like the water all runs down our street.  A couple of months ago, the city finished putting in huge new storm sewers on both sides of the street. It was a noisy project that disrupted our lives in a minor way for 3-4 months.  And at the first big rain, this is what we get. Actually today´s rain wasn´t that heavy. Heitor was getting ready to leave the house and he had just said "I guess I´d better take an umbrella," and then he opened the door and saw this. I guess this qualifies as my first flash flood.

Unfortunately, I don´t know how to stop shooting a video with our camera, so it ends awkwardly.

Meanwhile, on the street in the back of the house, all was very serene and normal.


Alexandre said...

Nossa, que merda! E a rua de trás até parece deboche né, rs...

Gerald Martin said...

Ha..você sempre me encina coisas. Eu tive que usar o dicionário para "deboche."

É estranho, né? (a situação, não a palavra.)

Fred said...

Take an umbrella? You'd better take a kayak!