Thursday, January 17, 2013

This Is Going To Be an Interesting Fight

I think this is an important video that´s worth watching. What scumbags!  For sure, what we need to keep (y)our children safer are more guns. As Mika Brzezinski apparently pointed out, this has moved beyond the normal activities of a Second Amendment rights group, whether you agree with them or not, and moved into the area of the lunatic fringe.

Several months ago I read a story about the NRA which pointed out how it has changed over the years. Despite its origins and despite its representations as a grass roots organization, the NRA´s principle source of funding is money from the arms industry, not from individuals. I´ve only seen one column where the author put together the connection between the NRA´s absurd "solution" of putting armed guards in schools and the boon this would be for its weapons-manufacturring supporters.

1 comment:

Bob Peterson said...

It says the you tube video has been taken down.