Monday, February 18, 2013

Really, How Can I Resist?


Bob Peterson said...

But there is no bias at the New York Times or its magazine, I am sure. They have the same kind of derision for Democrats, right?

Gerald Martin said...

Bob - You know of course I was counting on your response. Thanks.

I don't suppose you read the article? I didn't either. But I'm reasonably sure it didn't say anything Republicans aren't saying themselves as they assess their most recent fiasco. It was your Bobby Jindal who said the Republicans have got to "quit being the stupid party." And it is Republicans who are saying they have to quit being the party of angry old white men.

The Republicans have a self-admitted problem. It does not reflect bias to report on it.

Unfortunately, most of the internal Republican discussions are how to better package, present and sell the same old programs. And "better" seems to mean more deceptively and more dishonestly.

You seriously think the NYT wasn't printing critiques of what was wrong with the Democratic party during the years Rove claimed to be creating a permanent Republican majority?