Apparently the charge is being made in what someone has very aptly called "the Republican echo chamber" that college Republicans at the University of Central Missouri were turned away from a recent Obama speech because they were deemed a security risk. Conservative websites and the blogosphere are outraged. The National Review even interviewed one of the "victims."
What happened in Missouri was that a group of college Republicans with tickets to the event arrived at 3:40 and were turned away by the Secret Service because the doors had already been closed, according to what the Secret Service says is standard procedure. The president's address began at 4:00.
All of the official announcements prior to the event told ticket holders that the doors would open at 1:45 and that they should be there then. They were told to be prepared to stand a long time prior to and during the event. It was not stated when the entrance would be closed.
Probably the students turned away (overly entitled little whiners?) preferred to just stroll in at the last minute so they wouldn't have to stand in line and associate with Obama supporters, people like those in the picture, some of whom arrived as early as 5am.
Official UCM Statement Regarding Admittance to President Obama AppearanceWARRENSBURG, MO (July 26, 2013) â The University of Central Missouri has thoroughly reviewed claims of individuals being inappropriately denied admission to President Barack Obama's speech on campus July 24, 2013. These reports are unfounded. No one who presented a ticket was turned away prior to all doors being locked in accordance with Secret Service procedures. We have confirmed everyone who presented a ticket prior to that time was admitted.I only post this as an example of the way Obama haters will grasp at anything to try to create a scandal out of it and whose hatred clouds their memories. Or is it possible they don't even know the extent to which Bush was shielded from people who disagreed with him?
Tickets to this event were on a first-come-first-served basis. College Democrats wouldn't have even got tickets to a Bush speech.