It is not even a year since the Democratic party achieved a super majority in California and set off a flurry of dire predictions on the right. Think I'm exaggerating? A couple minutes of google searching will show you I'm not. Here is one of my favorites, from a writer for The Sovereign Investor.
No doubt that voters sending Barak Obama back to the White House was the biggest news in the November elections. But another vote – this one in California – could ultimately prove equally consequential to the future of America.
There, the spendthrift, welfare-worshipping Democratic Party won a supermajority in the state legislature. Though the Dems have controlled California politics for 40-plus years, this is the first time since the Great Depression that they’ve fielded a supermajority – a voting block large enough to override Republican resistance and pass any piece of legislation they and their tax-mongering leader, Gov. Jerry Brown, want.
California has always been a trend setter, and with this particular election it could establish a new trend that will see America slowly disassembled.
My prediction: The supermajority could mark the beginning of the end for California as a unified state … and, if it happens, that will establish a trend that sees a quest for smaller, more-responsive government across America.
Actually, California's system is still screwed up, at least in so far as it continues to take a super majority to increase taxes, and it will still have those awful, and dangerous propositions on the ballot (although Prop 30 worked out alright). And Bill Maher perhaps exaggerates California's cultural influence on the rest of the country, but he is certainly right in sticking it to the gloomers and doomers who were rooting for the Democrats to drive the state off the cliff.
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