Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Past is Also the Present

Day two.

The question has been raised as to the fairness of this. How much of a candidate's past, and how much related to his moral compass is legitimate fodder for consideration?

That is a much bigger topic than what this week's Doonesbury is dealing with.

I think all religions are bogus. If Romney wants to believe Gawd lives on Planet Kolob and overlook the fact that his religion was founded by a convicted con artist, that's not much crazier than what most people believe. I don't know Gary Trudeau's reasons for running this particular series of strips, but my reason for posting them is my detestation of proselytizing religions, proselytizers, and people who support them. And  this isn't just part of Romney's past; his support for a proselytizing religion is part of who is is today.

If my português were better, I´d have lots of opportunities (at home and on the street) to tell some Mormons and others exactly what I think. Actually I am quite capable of telling them that they clearly don´t understand the difference between the verbs "to think" and "to know," but we all know the discussion wouldn't end there, with my having helped clarify their entire belief structure, so I don't even start.

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