Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mark Twain and Other Language Questions

Those of you who read this post as an email and don't go to the blog itself are missing out on some clever New Yorker (mostly) cartoons that I post more-or-less daily, and also some occasionally interesting quotations of the day.

Today's offering is from the ever-quotable Mark Twain:
"Faith is believing in what you know ain't so."

Which reminds me of another Twain quote I've always loved:
"Sacred cows make the best hamburger"

And now, back to the matter of language, and the first Twain quotation above.  Those of us of a certain age remember that "ain't" ain't a word, but the language changes with time, and now it is listed in my dictionary.  My question is: why is it spelled with an apostrophe?  Does "ain't" equal "ai not?"

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