Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What Else to Call Him? He's a Gun Nut

No, it isn't a comedy skit or an Onion news story.

The head of an organization promoting "Gun Appreciation Day" on the same weekend as Martin Luther King day, responding to criticism, said on CNN that he believes Gun Appreciation Day "honors the memory of Dr. King."  But he couldn't stop there:
"..Martin Luther King would agree with me if he were alive today that if African-Americans had been given the right to keep and bear arms from Day 1 of the country’s founding, perhaps slavery might not have been a chapter in our history."


Bob Peterson said...

Although you may disagree, Condoleezza Rice says in her book that if all guns had been registered in Birmingham after the Baptist Church bombings, it would have been quite likely that Bull Connor, the Chief of Police, would have confiscated their guns and her father, a middle class black man would have been unable to do what he did. He sat on his porch all night long to guard his family.

Law-abiding, African-American citizens have taken advantage of the right to bear arms to protect themselves and their loved ones. The author of the quote you provide is off base in my opinion with wild speculation. But there are other situations.

Gerald Martin said...

He's not off base; he's not even in the ballpark.

I've learned from teaching English that we have the Past, Present and Future Conditional conjugations. This guy's comments about slavery and about Dr. King are the Wing Nut Absurd Conditional. Gun appreciation Day Honors Dr. King!

Short of any actual evidence, Rice's notions about what might have happened if frogs had had wings and Bull Conner had had lists sound about as valid to me as this other guy's wild speculations.