Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Carnaval in São Paulo

Last year was our first Carnaval in our new neighborhood and Heitor and I didn´t stick around to see what it was like. We just knew from our experience of living in the center of the city that it was a good time to get out of town and escape the noisy revelers. So we went to Vitória for 4-5 days. Vitória, where everything was closed to the point we had difficulty finding a place to eat, but at least it was quiet.

It seems we were alarmist for no reason. This is our neighborhood today. It is quieter, with fewer cars and fewer people than on Christmas day.

My image of Carnaval was all based on pictures and video from Rio, which is the most famous, and I´ve only experienced it in São Paulo. But, in neither city is it a great big street  party. The parades of the samba schools, which is what you have probably seen, whether in Rio or São Paulo, take place in a designated area that you buy a ticket to enter. Or you stay home and watch on television.

Of course there are parties that spring up all over the city.  Virtually everyone is off work and there is much alcohol-related celebrating. That is why Heitor and I left town last year. But there are also a ton of people who leave São Paulo and head to the beach towns. It would seem that is what all of our neighbors have done. The last two nights have been quieter than normal, instead of what we expected.

1 comment:

Bob Peterson said...

Well, shoot, that's no fun! Seriously, glad that it is a sane and quiet time in the ol' neighborhood for you and Heitor.

After all, this is the end of Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, and tomorrow is the beginning of the time of repentence.

Good luck.