Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More Clues for the Puzzle

Since at least one person is still working on this, I will provide a few more clues.

The examples:
003s, 003t, 003ted, 003ts, 003e, 003ing, 003ting and 003ry (I accidentally omitted this last one in my first post).

Do not assume that the sequence we are looking for is 3 letters just because 003 consists of 3 characters.

Finally, the sequence of letters desired is a word, without any of the add-ons listed above.


Bob Peterson said...

OK, I give.

Bob Peterson said...

Just looked again, doesn't "par" work?

I suppose it is a stretch to expect that you were reading a book that mentioned getting "pars" on a golf course on the first pages, but doesn't it work?

Gerald Martin said...

Bob -Well done. "Par" isn't the answer I was looking for, but it absolutely does work.

The answer I was looking for was "star."

Bob Peterson said...

Kewl. I never get puzzles correctly, so you made my day.