Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tropical Paradise, My Ass

Cold in Brazil is colder than places where it is the custom of the country. And it isn´t just the surprise factor that makes it seem so. Buildings here are not insulated like they are in the US. We have single pane windows, not to mention the fact that we have to walk outside to get from the kitchen to the laundry room and the TV room. Houses are more open. We have no furnace and not many Brazilians do. The outside temperature is pretty much the inside temperature.

The overnight low in São Paulo last night was about 39 degrees. The high today was supposedly about 57, although I´m skeptical about that. A guy at the gym told me that the wind chill factor last night on Paulista Avenue (most important city-center street) was a little less than 34 degrees. In the south of the country, I´m told it was below freezing. And I´m thinking, Brazil measures wind chill?

Heitor left for Rio on Monday and, after checking the Rio weather forecast in advance, took only bermudas. He forgot to check the São Paulo forecast. When he got back this morning it was only about 44 degrees. He still hasn´t fully warmed up, despite being wrapped in blankets and mufflers. He´s not alone; I´m sitting here in a coat and cap, getting ready to read on the sofa under a heavy comforter.

Going on the word of Carlos, one of my students, this isn´t a record cold spell, but the most extreme in 30+ years, although I haven´t actually verified that. Suffice it to say that Carlos´s reaction to the temperature is enough to make me quit thinking of Heitor as a wuss.


Bob Peterson said...

Wow, who knew. Bundle up, maybe just see if you can find a conservative to annoy enough that they spontaneously combust?

Seriously, that is COLD!! Take care.

Gerald Martin said...

Good idea. Let's eat the poor after roasting them on a combustible conservative.