So Ryan, who has undoubtedly voted with the Republican House majority all 30-plus times they've had a symbolic vote to kill "Obamacare," and is running for VP at least in part as an opponent of it, is not averse to trying to bring home a little federal bacon to his district and take whatever credit he can get for it.
But then Ryan seems to be a congeries of contradictions, lies and hypocrisy. Even a Fox News Reporter, Sally Kohn, called his convention speech "an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech." Fox News!!
And then there is the hypocrisy of his attempt to get Todd Akin to drop out of the Senate race in Missouri, despite the fact that they have identical voting records on abortion in the House, and the fact that Akin said what he meant to say, instead of "legitimate rape" was "forcible rape" which is a term Ryan has introduced into legislation. As I have said before, their positions are identical and they are in the mainstream of their party on the issue.
But enough. Here is a hypocrite at work, earning his pay:
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