Thursday, November 12, 2009

University Students: The New Prudes

The university has reversed its decision to expel Geisy Arruda, the student who was harassed for wearing a miniskirt to her night class. I have no doubt that happened because the case was being reported on the front pages of the São Paulo newspapers. One of my first thoughts is that she should still sue the university for the anguish they caused her by reacting as they did. Her case for personal injury may be weakened a little if a subsequent story is true. Supposedly Playboy wants her to pose nude. Her own television show is probably next.

It occurs to me that some of the same people who threatened and harassed her at the university, or who supported the university´s decision to expel her, will probably buy that future Playboy issue and go wank in the bathroom.

Something wierd is going on with prudery at the universities. I was going to write a new prudery at the universities, but maybe it has always been there. Yesterday I saw a story on line about an actress,
Fábia Gouvêa, who provoked stares and insults when she showed up for a public appearance at the University of São Paulo wearing a miniskirt. The report I read seemed almost to blame her for being so stupid as to appear in a miniskirt when the Geisy Arruda story was still fresh in everybody´s mind. Another story I read, but which I can´t locate now (it might have been a reporter´s blog) commented on the fact that she obviously wasn´t wearing a bra either.

Here is something my friend, Carla, sent me about the double standard that exists for men and women.


A Sociedade Feminina Brasileira se queixa do tratamento machista existente na gramática portuguesa, e com razão...
Vejam os exemplos :

Cão ............ ......... ..melhor amigo do homem..
Cadela ............ .......puta.
Vagabundo ............ . homem que não faz nada.
Vagabunda ............ . puta.
Touro ............ ........homem forte.
Vaca ............ ......... .puta.
Pistoleiro ............ ...homem que mata pessoas.
Pistoleira.. ......... ......puta.
Aventureiro ......... ..homem que se arrisca,viajante,desbravador.

Aventureira ............ .puta.
Garoto de rua .........menino pobre, que vive na rua, um coitado.
Garota de rua ..........puta.
Homem da vida........ pessoa letrada pela sabedoria adquirida ao longo da vida.
Mulher da vida .......puta.
O galinha ............ ...o 'bonzão', que traça todas.
A Galinha ............ ...puta.
Tiozinho ............ .....irmão mais novo do pai.
Tiazinha ............ ......puta.
Feiticeiro ............ ...conhecedor de alquimias.
Feiticeira ............ ....puta.
Roberto Jefferson, Zé Dirceu, Maluf, ACM, Jader Barbalho, Eurico Miranda, Renan Calheiros, Lula, Delúbio .........políticos.
A mãe deles ........... putas.
E pra finalizar...
Puto ............ ......... nervoso, irritado, bravo.
Puta ............. ........ puta.

Depois de ler este e.mail:
Homem ............ .... vai sorrir.
Mulher ............ .... vai ficar puta...


Alexandre said...

Faltou "rapaz e rapariga".
Rapaz = Moço
Rapariga = Puta

E você viu que a Geisy vai virar garota-propaganda de lingerie?
Hahaha, adoro.

Gerald Martin said...

Não acredito tantas palavras existem na lingua portuguêsa para dizer "puta."

Alexandre said...

E ainda tem tantas outras...

Anonymous said...


Eu quase não acreditei quando li sobre o caso da Geisy, tive que assisti ao vídeo...só no Brasil mesmo!!
