Saturday, April 24, 2010

Moderation of Comments

I apologize to those (two) of you who have commented here regularly that your comments weren´t published automatically, but had to come to me for "moderation." And also to anyone who was put off from commenting by the notice that your comment would not be published until it had been moderated. (Until now, I had always thought of "moderation" as the opposite of "extremism;" not as something that a moderator does.)

It occurred to me how obnoxious moderation of comments is when I went today to a blog called the Revolutionary Muslim or something like that and left a comment...which I guarantee you will never see. There were zero comments when I wrote mine, and I don´t think they´ll like mine well enough to share it with all of their readers.

I presume people who comment here have been seeing the same message I saw there. You will see it no longer, as I have changed the settings. Comments now will be published automatically

Revolutionary Muslim, by the way, is the organization that has called for death to the creators of South Park for disrespecting Allah, and about which Jon Stewart had a terrific response/rant. Jon Stewart´s position, which he summed up as "Go Fuck Yourselves," seems as appropriate as anything else one might say.

1 comment:

Felix Verdun said...

Freedom, at least!!! Now I can write things you must dislike... maybe next time.