Monday, August 13, 2012

Bring It On

I have been avoiding most of what's been written about Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his VP partner, mostly just because I'm tired of this race and want to take a break from all of the chatter, at least until after the conventions.

My first reaction still is the one that dominates my thinking about it.  Namely, Great choice! Let's have this debate.  The Tea Baggers have officially taken over the Republican Party; let's have it out.  Let's give the country a good look at this Ryan "budget" that the Republicans (even Ronmey) love so much.

One funny aspect of the Ryan story is that, for four or five days before the announcement, I had been reading stories in the NY Times that the Tea Baggers were putting a lot of pressure on Romney to choose Ryan.  So, by the time Romney did just that, I had thought about it long enough to be pleased.  Ok, that's not funny.  But this is.  Apparently, aware that the media had been talking about the pressure to pick Ryan, the Romney camp announced that the selection of Ryan had been made two weeks before the announcement.  Can't have Romney look like he's giving in to pressure (even though that's exactly what he has looked like for over a year now).

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