Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Todd Akin is Mainstream Republican

The pressure the Republican establishment is placing on Rep. Todd Akin to drop out of the Missouri senate race because of his stupid statements about rape are hypocritical.

It really doesn't matter if Akin makes distinctions between legitimate and non-legitimate rape or if he believes the female body has some built-in pregnancy-prevention mechanism that kicks in when she is raped. Just wait; bear with me, here.

Sure, his beliefs are unsupported by any scientific evidence, but that is not a disqualification in today's Republican party. At the debates, back when their were ten, or whatever, candidates, every single one of them on the stage denied a belief in evolution and said they believed  in some kind of creationism or intelligent design.

What matters is Akin's unyielding position against abortion, without consideration of the mother's health or if the pregnancy resulted from a rape.  And guess what?  He is mainstream Republican in his beliefs.  His voting record in the House on abortion issues is exactly the same as Paul Ryan's. The Republican party platform expresses his stringent, unforgiving views.

The only reason the Romneys and the Cornyns are upset is because he defended his (and their) harsh position with a stupid opinion that got reported and flew around the world.

How about this for a surreal moment?  The Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus, said on Fox News “this is the platform of the Republican Party, it is not the platform of Mitt Romney.” I can see the chairman of Romney's campaign making that distinction, but the Chairman of the Natioonal Committee running away from his own party's platform??!

And, by the way, wouldn't you know without being told that a person named Reince Priebus would be a Republican?

1 comment:

Bob Peterson said...

The thing about the that a racist comment?

How about the Royals in third? I can't remember the last time, perhaps it is my memory going from bad to worse, but I think it was a while ago.