Monday, October 8, 2012

Hugo Chavez and Mitt Romney

Despite all of the U.S. politicians who have allowed themselves to become pointlessly exercised over Hugo Chavez, I have read no suggestion, not even from the opposition candidate, that the elections in Venezuela yesterday were not conducted fairly and honestly.  Whether the U.S., officially or unofficially, thinks he deserved to be re-elected, 54% of Venezuelans thought that he did.

Chavez has one problem of his own making, however. He has to deal with the fact that the people he belittled as "squalid good-for-nothings, little Yankees and fascists," turned out to represent 45% of the electorate. 

Remind anyone of Romney's 47%? Yes, I know he has now said his remarks were "completely wrong," but it is odd how he didn't realize they were completely wrong weeks ago when he merely thought they were "inelegantly" stated. As with so many things, one wonders what he really believes.

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