Thursday, November 22, 2012

Steamed (about) Rice

Let me see if I understand this.

Condoleezza Rice, in her first crucial months as National Security Adviser ignored all of the CIA's warnings about counter-terrorism as well of those of Richard Clarke, the NSC's counter-terrorism director, and instead remained absorbed with her own comfort zone specialties as an expert on  the USSR (a bit outdated even then) and ballistic missile defense. Four years after arguably the second most fatal security lapse in our history, she was promoted to Secretary of State.

Now, Susan Rice, who spoke on Sunday morning talk shows about the Benghazi attack on the basis of information provided by the intelligence agencies is under assault by Republicans like McCain and Graham in the Senate, who threaten to hold up her confirmation if Obama names her as the next Secretary of Defense.

These guys are loony tunes....not to say crazy motherfuckers.

By the way: All of the Brazilians who wanted to talk to me about the election results, to a person, were for Obama, even my two entrepreneurial friends. Two different people, whose English is pretty limited, still were able to appreciate my description of Republicans as crazy motherfuckers. I chose to share that bit of hyperbole because they had each already volunteered to me that they saw the Republicans as "greedy" and "selfish." Both of these guys were men I know at the gym. One is about 70 and the other about 19.

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