Wednesday, May 1, 2013

This Is What Happens When We Quit Teaching Civics

Do you know that 65% of Americans think they have a constitutional right to own a gun as a protection against government tyranny?  Among those who have a gun in their family, the number goes up to 72%.

Even someone as supposedly mainstream as a U.S. Senator believes this to be true. Earlier this year, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma said "The 2nd Amendment wasn't written so you can go hunting. It was to create a force to balance a tyrannical force here," by which I guess he meant Washington D.C.

Could anything be more absurd? First, we have a Supreme Court which chooses to jettison the "well-regulated militia" phrase from the 2nd Amendment. Now we have an apparent majority of people who think they have a constitutional right of rebellion against the same government created by that constitution. That was tried once; it was called the Civil War. Don't forget, that was a war against governmental tyranny too. Just sayin'.

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