Monday, May 27, 2013

Where Our Values Are

My friend, Fred, sent me this map with the disclaimer that he couldn´t verify it´s validity, but he thought it felt right, and so do I.

I still can´t say with certainty that it is accurate, but I can at least give you a link to the website where it seems to have come from. I know nothing about this site or about the apparent researcher and author of the accompanying article, Reuben Fischer-Baum.

The only thing I can be sure of is that it has a high truthiness quotient.

Map by state of highest paid public employees in US


Bob Peterson said...

I surely can't validate or invalidate the information, but it looks about right.

The part I don't understand is the outrage. These people are part of a huge entertainment industry where pro athletes are paid more than these football or basketball coaches.

Now, when we ask if that fits our personal value scheme, I surely don't think they should be paid rock-star prices, but I also think that college football players (basketball, too, I guess) should have some rewards that are commensurate with the revenue generated for their programs. Instead, they are "amateurs."

And when there is that much money at stake, should it be a surprise to anyone that graft and cheating rears its head? Naw, let's all play by the rules.

Gerald Martin said...

Bob-Actually, I'm not sure there is much outrage, unless you read something on the website where this was originally posted.

If people indeed are outraged, you hint at one of the reasons, but don't pursue it. College athletes should be paid. They are the ones risking physical injury while the coaches are getting rich, and the professional sports leagues are getting their future stars developed at no cost.

And why are rock stars paid rock-star prices?