Monday, June 24, 2013

Somebody Say Amen


Bob Peterson said...

Ah, yes, "wisdom" from a comedian. What is it that Maher has contributed?

And the economics, foreign policy and tax policy (70% bracket, anyone?) of Jimmie Carter was working so well. Iran hostages, Russian invasion of Afghanistan, 20% plus interest rates, stagflation.

Yep, shoulda stayed the course with Jimmie.

While I am not a religious person, I find his mocking of others' religion offensive. He is good at being negative, but I repeat--what does he actually contribute, like to a solution?

What a lightweight.

Gerald Martin said...

If you have nothing else, there is always the good old ad hominem attack.

Your allegation that comedians are not deep thinkers like...say...actors, is pretty comical in itself.

In the meanwhile, we still have the truism that the lunatic tea baggers who run the Republican party today can be traced directly back to Reagan.

Bob Peterson said...

Point taken regarding the ad hominem stuff.

Why people in this country think celebrities of any kind possess wisdom in these areas is beyond me. They are entertainers, and they have a knack for charming us. I just don't know how that connects with the potential validity of their opinions on lots of things for which they have little or no training or skills.

Gerald Martin said...

When you and/or I are finally recognized as having enough talent to have our own television show, we can express our opinions on said show. Considering that Bill Maher's show is 99% about politics, one would expect him to have political opinions. I am sure he has as much training and skill for his opinions as do either of us.

I posted this video not because Bill Maher is a celebrity but because the opinion he is expressing is exactly what I have told you more than once about the historical lineage of the tea bagger element.

Mayer's comments were particularly apt to me because I am one of the liberals who has on occasion made the stupid remark that Reagan wouldn't even fit into today's Republican party. In fact, he'd fit very nicely.