Friday, December 6, 2013

The Man Who Has Never Made a Mistake

Remember the press conference several years ago when George W. Bush was asked something to the effect of what was his biggest mistake, and he couldn't come up with an answer. He was pretty sure he must have made some mistakes, but he just couldn't think of one under the pressure of a press conference question his handlers hadn't anticipated.

Well I guess Bush and his Vice President made a really good fit, even if they couldn't stand each other by the end of "their" Presidency. Cheney never made any mistakes either. Wasn't it Cheney who recently justified the Iraq War debacle by saying that at least now we know Saddam didn't have any WMD? No apologies? Ok, he wants to claim he did what he thought was right at the time. I think that is bullshit, but let him have it for now. Couldn't he at least have the decency to have some regrets?.

In the 1980s Congress passed, by a large bi-partisan majority, America's Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act. The bill condemned apartheid, called for the freeing of the imprisoned Nelson Mandela, and imposed sanctions against South Africa.  Congressman Dick Cheney was one of the few who voted against the bill. After Reagan (good ol' Mr. Freedom) vetoed the bill, congress overrode his veto. It was the first time in the entire history of the country that a presidential veto on a foreign affairs issue had been overturned.

Cheney, even now, will not admit a mistake or even acknowledge that his vote looks bad in hindsight, even if he believed it was the right vote at the time. "The ANC was then viewed as a terrorist organization. I don't have any problems at all with the vote I cast 20 years ago," Cheney said on ABC's This Week. The man has no class whatsoever.

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