Tuesday, March 19, 2013

You Better Keep Me In Your Prayers

Three successive postings from someone on Facebook. Names have been removed for my protection, and the bold highlights are my own.

First: Update on my mother-in-law...yesterday she seemed really upbeat and visited with lots of her family. Breathing with the help of oxygen was tough but it didn't slower (sic) down too much. X asked her where her tax papers were so that he could take care of them for her and she told him in no uncertain terms that she would take care of that when she gets home. She told us it was just a stage and she'd get through it.
Today wasn't so good. She seems to be weaker and harder to visit although she enjoyed her visitors (especially a surprise visit from her grandson Y from Iowa) We don't know what to expect. Any other person at 101, we would not have much hope but with her...anything is possible. Keep her in your prayers.
 Second: Good news....X's mom is doing better this morning. She had a good night and ate her breakfast this morning. X said he thinks that she is as good this morning as he's seen her since he came back. Her doctor said that if she continues, he sees no reason why she can't be moved to somewhere else. We will see what today brings. Thanks for your prayers. They are working. 
Third: Update....Mom is not doing so well today. Heart rate is slowing and having lots of arthritic pain so on pain meds which make her drowsy.
I just love the comment "Thanks for your prayers. They are working." But I think the third posting needs something along the lines of "Hey, pray harder and better. We're losing ground here."

I really would like a better understanding of these ubiquitous comments about keeping people in one's prayers. Do people make wish lists that they take to the big guy on a regular basis? "Here's what I'm asking for tonight."

Or is it more of a continuous conversation throughout the day? "Hey, don't let that 101 year-old woman die."

Or maybe it just assumes gawd is a mind-reader? All you have to do is think about what you want and he'll take care of it for you....assuming, of course, you know yourself to be one of the chosen.

Really, I'm curious. Having been raised a Catholic, I thought prayers were just repetitious Our Fathers and Hail Marys and Rosarys. And I guess if you wanted a favor, I must have thought you were just supposed to say more of them. Double down, as it were. It's hard to remember.


Bob Peterson said...

Ya know, I could never figure out who would win a football game or whatever when everyone is praying for opposite results?

Didn't seem fair if it was only going to be the most devout who win.

I liked your comment, "Pray harder here, we're losing ground."

Gerald Martin said...

The fourth post is that she died. Now we have to start praying once again...this time for her soul.

It's a racket.