Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A story from The Week Magazine:

Lincoln, Neb

Abortion denied: A 16-year-old girl in
foster care in Nebraska has been denied
an abortion after the state’s Supreme
Court ruled she wasn’t mature enough
to opt for the procedure and should give
birth instead. The unnamed teenager
had asked a judge to waive the state’s
requirement she obtain parental consent,
arguing that her biological parents’ rights
had been terminated after years of abuse
and that her strongly religious foster parents
would refuse to consent to an abortion.
The girl said she didn’t have the
ability to “be the right mom that I would
like to be right now.” A district judge’s
refusal to grant the waiver was upheld
by the state Supreme Court, which concluded
that because the girl was financially
dependent on her foster parents,
had never lived on her own, and had
no work experience, she wasn’t mature
enough to choose an abortion.

Too bad she hadn´t flipped a few burgers at McDonalds to get that necessary work experience which leads directly to maturity.

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