Thursday, October 3, 2013

Calling A Moron A Moron. It's Not That Difficult

Despite any humorous earlier posts, I do think this Republican shutdown of the government is extremely serious. It was appropriate in an earlier post that I called these tea bagger cretins terrorists. They are true believers who genuinely believe they have "right" on their side, and that is always scary. Even scarier is that, because of gerrymandering games, they are all from safe districts and will probably be re-elected. Still I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that even Texas isn't batshit crazy enough to re-elect Ted Cruz in 2018. Yep, that mofo will be with us that long at least.

(Just a side note: the reason Texas Republicans are putting so much effort into voting restrictions and bizarre gerrymandering is that the demographics of the state have changed so much that a fair vote would take it out of the "safe" red category. Texas, in a fair election, would literally be "in play.")

Despite the seriousness of what is at stake, once again, comedians are better journalists than the supposed television professionals and we might as well laugh at these assholes.

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