Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just saying

Has anybody else been thinking that maybe we should bring back the days when professional politicians made the important decisions about the party's presidential candidates in those vilified, nasty old smoke-filled rooms?

If that were the case, Hilary Clinton would be President now, and I wish she were. I preferred Obama over Hilary in the primaries, but I think now I was wrong.

If the party leaders were making the decisions, we might actually have a more reasonable Republican party. Although that is debatable, we would at least be spared the ridiculous spectacles of Perry, Santorum, Bachmann, Paul etc., ad nauseam. And maybe Romney wouldn't be quite as inevitable.

Ahh...we the people speak (and spoke).


Fred said...

YES! I have thought those old brokered (is that the correct word?) conventions might be a better way to pick a candidate. At least the candidates would have proven themselves in a political environment of negotiation, compromise, and power. I've always been very leery about these beauty contests (primaries), where the leader is picked on his/her looks and a few sound bites, and selected by a voting public which is short on real information. I mean, really-- look how many voting-qualified people still think President Obama is Muslim and not born in the U.S.
Yeah, it would be very interesting to know what our world would be like if Hilary had become president. No "do-overs," though.

Gerald Martin said...

We have that dilemma of making politicians responsive to the people, while having to admit at the same time that We The People are frequently idiots.