Sunday, January 22, 2012

What's In a Name? Or, A Rosie Goo By Any Other Name.....

The same Hawaii friend who sent me the picture of the broom-wielding priests, sent this list of names culled over a few years from the police/court calendar of the same Hilo paper.

Eric's handwriting isn't the easiest to decipher, so I may have misread a couple, but you still get the general idea.

I am reminded of a gay man I knew in Visalia, California named Gaylord Swishgood. I confess that I only met him one time (one of those attempts at a set up by a friend of a friend that didn't go anywhere) and I don't really know how he spelled his last name, but that is how he pronounced it. Of course, his parents may have pronounced it Smith.

But, without further ado, here are the names from Hilo.
Swington Bunglick
Wishful Skipwich
Pudding Lassiter
Sage Million
Lake Charles Lively
Lacey Lively
Rosie Goo
Jarvis Rockwell Boots
Zorro Rye
Brushley Roy
Zachary Crispi
Levity Jones
Kindred Sparks
Lavel Sledge
Lastly Poch
Faye Ruby Ingledew
Albina Abbie Labrador
Emilia Silverfeather Wallraven
Patward Fergerstrom

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