Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cigarette Advertising

On this day in 1970, President Nixon signed into law the bill that banned cigarette advertisements on radio and television.

Not only could that same bill probably not make it through today's congress, but anyone who pushed for it (especially if he were named Obama), would be vilified as a spokesperson for the nanny state and someone with a radical anti-business agenda.

If the tobacco industry had ever wanted to challenge that law, they'll never have a Supreme Court more ready and willing to help them...unless Romney wins the election, that is.


Bob Peterson said...

Now, that was a fact-filled post.

Gerald Martin said...

Bob - At least the only sentence which purports to be factual actually is, which is more than can be said for the average Republican statement about the defense-cutting, apologizing-for-America, soft-on-terror, socialist Obama.

You gotta get yourself a blog. They're great places to share your opinions.

Bob Peterson said...

You're right, it isn't good taste to hijack your blog for my own opinions.

One of the things that scare a lot of us common folk about Obama is the list of associates, and what they say. For example, Bill Ayers' recent statement taht his goal was to destroy capitalism.

And more.

Gerald Martin said...

Bob - No, that´s not my point. I just meant that bloggers don´t have to worry about whether their blogs are fact filled or opinion filled.

Feel free to leave your wrong-headed opinions at all times.

Bill Ayres hardly qualifies as an associate of Obama. He probably doesn´t have any more influence than I do. I´d be more concerned with Mitt Romney´s association with Donald Trump.