Sunday, April 15, 2012

Darrell Issa Channels Xeno

Representative Darrell Issa said on one of the Sunday morning talk shows that his committee on Oversight and Government Reform is going to monitor the investigation into Secret Service and military involvement with prostitutes in Columbia.  So far, so good; I guess that's probably normal and acceptable congressional behaviour.

But I loved this quote from a story in the LA Times: "“Things like this don’t happen once if they didn’t happen before,” he added.  It's like one of Xeno's paradoxes, I guess; you can never get to the first instance of things like this.

Every time Issa's name comes up, even if I have to bring it up myself, I remember what wusses the Democrats are, and that there is no true left wing equivalent of right wing attack dogs. If there was a Democratic Representative in a leadership position in the house with as shady a past as Issa (more than one arrest for car theft, suspicion of arson for the purpose of insurance fraud, and two arrests for weapons charges...and those are just the ones I know about from an article in The New Yorker), can you imagine that Fox News and the other right wing attack agencies would let lose of the story until they had forced a resignation? We all know the answer to that one.


Bob Peterson said...

I wish there were a way to comment directly on the cartoons you post. They are terrific.

The one about the "achievement awards" for the slaughtered reminds me of the way the native Americans consider their game...only funnier.

In regard to Rep Issa, it is really pretty fortunate that all Democrats have spotless pasts. You mentioned "weapons charges" and I was only able to come up with the one incident in which he had a pistol in a car with him. Was the other the one where the guy who lost the company to him (shame on Issa for expecting him to pay him back) said he had a gun?

I think, though, that he has foolproof excuses--blame my brother!! This is a guy that I don't think I want to do business with.

Gerald Martin said...

Ok, I will reduce his weapons charges to a single charge because, much as I like to be right, this one doesn't matter enough to check.

Of course there are crooked/sleazy Democrats too, but they are exposed and driven from office (and I'm not just talking about Wiener's photo of his wiener). I'm just saying that the right wing is much better organized to keep allegations alive until something happens. Sometimes they overreach, ala Hilary Clinton killed Vince Foster, or was it Bill who did it? I forget. The right are pros and the left are disorganized wimps by comparison.

Issa is a pretty shady character in a way that goes beyond typical political sleaze. As you say, I don't think I want to do business with they guy.

By the way, why should Weiner have had to resign for sending a picture of his dick? We're such prudes; it wouldn't have happened in Europe.

Bob Peterson said...

When you say it wouldn't have happened in Europe, you need look no further than Berlusconi (Spell?).

I may have told you about the problem the French and Italians had to the Economist headline on the cover that read, "The man who screwed the world." They didn't have words that had the same double meaning as the English.

He "screwed" people in at least two meanings of the word and got away with it for a long time.

Our Puritanism is really hard to understand sometimes, so I don't know why Weiner had to resign for posting a pic of his dic...except that it is a stupid thing to do.