Sunday, March 18, 2012

Yet Another Crusade

If you want something new to be outraged about (and I'm sure you do), read Nicholas Kristof's column today in the NY Times. Kristof, who would be my nominee for Conscience of the World, writes about the use by pimps of, a website owned by Village Voice Media, to peddle the teenage prostitutes who they are usually holding by violent force. is said to account for 70% of online advertising for prostitution. Like any good columnist, Kristof uses the inspiring story of a 24 year-old college senior who managed to escape this life to personalize the problem.

Of course, this is a sad business that we've all read about before. The aspect about this which is most troubling is that Village Voice Media, despite a petition signed by 48 of the states' Attorneys General urging them to get out of the prostitution business, " instead...has used The Village Voice to mock its critics."

To counter arguments that these sex advertisers would just migrate to other sites, Kristof cites an advocacy group as saying that, after Craigslist stopped accepting similar ads in 2010, online advertising for prostitution fell by 50%.

Of course it is unfortunate that we have to make common cause in this effort with moralistic jerks who are on a crusade against prostitution, and who knows what else . I believe prostitution should be legal, and as good an argument for that as anything, is that it is conducted virtually in the open because it is too hard to prosecute. A lot of the ads on no doubt are for the sort of prostitution which I think should be legal. But the apparent inability to distinguish between people advertising their own services and ads which are placed by pimps trafficking in children, means the site should quit accepting all such advertising.

If you want to express the same opinion, you can sign a petition to Village Voice Media at this site:

1 comment:

Bob Peterson said...

As much as I (and I hope "we") enjoy our banter and disagreements over a variety of topics, and as much as I hope you come to your senses on so many topics, Gerry, it is hard to disagree with you on this one.

There are so many good reasons to eliminate "crimes without victims," but it is also very difficult to differentiate between the willing entrepreneurs and the victims of pimps.

There should be a special place on earth or in hell for the people who oppress these young girls.

I am amazed that the Village Voice is a willing tool in this. Does "money" ring any bells?